This is how the architects see PI's new building in Eschbach. Image: HARSCH BAU GMBH & CO KG
Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG (PI Group) is investing approx. 16 million euros in the expansion of its site in Eschbach in the Breisgau region of Germany. In the course of 2024, the high-tech company will gain approx. 6,000 sqm additional production, laboratory, and office space. This will more than double the operating area, and PI will create up to 150 additional jobs. Altogether, these measures will triple production capacity at the factory in Eschbach.
Currently, the site in Eschbach is the PI Group's Competency Center for linear axes, rotary stages, and system solutions for high-precision positioning tasks, with approx. 135 employees. The systems include mechanics, drive technology and control devices with software. These are, for example, used in automation technology, semiconductor manufacturing and microscopy.
Parallel to its expansion, the company is counting on the principles of Industry 4.0 for more flexibility and higher throughput. For example, assistance systems are supporting employees with the highly varied assembly of customer-specific products and solutions. In the course of building the extension, with the aid of software, automated transport systems will optimize the flow of material in assembly. Additionally, PI is fulfilling future customer requirements with additional cleanrooms. The company expects to triple current capacity at the factory in Eschbach by hiring more employees, gaining more space, and implementing Industry 4.0 principles.
Significantly Reduced Carbon Footprint
A photovoltaic system on the roof of the new building will create renewable energy. Additionally, the factory in Eschbach will switch to environmentally-friendly district heating. Together with the use of sustainable building materials and insulation, this meets the highest environmental requirements.
Record Investments in Growth
In the fiscal year 2021, PI increased turnover by approx. 27 percent to 243 million euros. Markus Spanner, CEO of the PI Group, is optimistic "We also expect two-digit growth rates over the next few years".By the end of 2022, PI will have already invested more than 60 million euros in the further expansion of development and production capacities. The expansion in Eschbach means that the investment volume is continuing to grow.