Boston Semi Equipment (BSE), a global leader in advanced automation solutions to the semiconductor and consumer electronics industries, announces that a leading multinational manufacturer of MEMS sensors has placed a repeat order for multiple Zeus gravity handlers used in the testing of its advanced tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) sensors. BSE has also received an order from the same company for its state-of-the-art Panacea pick and place test handler for its next generation pressure MEMS device testing requirements.
According to Yole Group, the market for MEMS sensors and actuators is expected to surpass $22B by 2027. “Having our customer once again choose BSE as its handler technology partner is a strong endorsement of our approach,” said Scott Kroeger, BSE’s SVP Sales & Marketing. “Over the last decade, our Zeus gravity handlers have earned a solid reputation for reliable performance in pressure MEMS. Now, we are excited to offer higher parallelism and productivity with Panacea which combines a unique, flexible design with our proven pressure MEMS architecture to achieve greater levels of productivity and lower cost of ownership.”
For over a decade, BSE has been delivering state-of-the-art pressure MEMS technology with its workhorse Zeus gravity handler platform. Panacea is an entirely reimagined pick and place handler designed in close collaboration with customers to deliver breakthrough performance and flexibility. Offering up to x32 parallelism in both ambient and full tri-temp configurations, Panacea features a unique chamberless design combined with signature state-of-the-art thermal performance, vision positioning and accessibility to help customers achieve lower cost of ownership with effortless productivity.