Sensor marketing expert organises and will chair June 28 session of engineering academic leaders
Roger Grace, President of Roger Grace Associates, the leading marketing consultancy specialising in Sensors and MEMS has announced the slate of panelists for the Future of Engineering Education panel which will take place during Sensors Expo 2018 at 11:00 a.m. on June 28, 2018. The exhibition and technical conference will take place at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California from June 27-28, 2018 with Pre-Conference Symposium held on June 26, 2018. This will mark the third year of the panel’s appearance at this event and is expected to provide the audience with valuable insights as to the curriculums and research activities from the perspectives of individuals representing faculty and student of leading engineering schools. Admission to the panel session is complimentary to all Sensors Expo attendees.
This, as well as the popular Women in Sensors Engineering (WISE) panel which is also a part of the Sensors Expo 2018, continues to demonstrate the commitment of Questex, Sensors Expo conference management, to support the sensors community from a societal perspective. The panel is part of the Education Session which will also include a poster exhibition of research and development activities of engineering students and researchers with prizes awarded to the winners of the contest for “best poster.” The session will provide attendees a peek into the current and future curriculum and challenges facing engineering school faculty and students and plans of the various panelists’ organization to meet the needs of the tech industry.
The all-star list of panelists includes:
Dr. John Walz, President of the Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Albert (Al) Pisano, Dean of the Jacobs College of Engineering, University of California San Diego
Dr. Mehran Mehregany, Director of Case Western’s San Diego School of Engineering Campus
Mr. Suchart Klaikaew, Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University
Mr. Grace stated, “I am honored to have been asked again to organize and chair the “Future of Engineering Education” panel session at Sensors Expo 2018. Past panel sessions have attracted a large number of attendees eager to learn more about engineering education and how the academic community is developing curricula to best educate the next generation of engineers and academics. I was fortunate to have Dr. John Walz, President of the Milwaukee School of Engineering accept my invitation to participate on the panel. Also, it is noteworthy that my long-time colleagues Professor Pisano of UC San Diego and Professor Mehregany of Case are both considered luminaries in the sensor research area. Our student panelist, Mr. Suchart Klaikaew, a graduate student and Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Northeastern University, is currently doing a Summer internship at a Silicon Valley startup in the biotech sensing area, received his undergraduate engineering education in Southeast Asia. I expect that it will be most interesting to the session attendees to hear him compare and contrast his education here in the US versus that of his Southeast Asian experience. Finally, I expect that the panelists will have much to share about their sensor-related educational and industry experiences”.
Mr. Cal Groton, Group Director at Questex LLC, the organizer of the event said, “Roger has organized yet another all-star lineup of speakers for his third production of this most popular session at Sensors Expo. We are truly fortunate to have Roger as the organizer and chair of this session because of ability to address both sides of the topic. This is realized through his many years background as a design engineer. and his more than a decade as an adjunct faculty at the University of California Berkeley School of Engineering. His current role as a technology marketer and author providing insights and education to the sensors community of technologies being developed at leading research institutes and research universities worldwide has been enabled by his strong and long-lived relationships with many colleagues in these organizations.”
For more information please visit www.rgrace.com.