For the 20th anniversary of Sensofar, we wanted to renew our brand while renewing the commitment made to customers, employees, metrology, and surface inspection. This trajectory has led us to consolidate and reinforce our presence and maturity under a new brand image!
We firmly believe the importance of our brand recognition goes hand in hand with the trust placed in Sensofar over time. That is why, during this year of celebration, we wanted to reaffirm our brand by updating the visual identity of our logo.
The process of rebranding began in early 2021 and included staff from around the world. All our stakeholders agreed on the following starting points:
- Our brand is much more than a logo
- The promise of a positive experience
Given these premises, it is no surprise that the conclusions that have shaped the identity of our brand were already fully integrated into our company DNA.
Our brand proposition continues to follow our Mission Statement:
“Providing our customers with intuitive 2D and 3D optical technology for metrology and surface inspection, thus helping them to improve their products, research, and quality processes”
It aligns with our values of accessibility, flexibility, technology, expertise, and reliability.
The new brand logo, along with the tagline ‘Lighting Up Your Quality’, was unveiled internally on the 22nd of October at a special event celebrated with Sensofar’s staff and families.
‘Lighting Up Your Quality’ embodies our commitment to grow together by making people successful and improving the quality processes of our customers.
“Sensofar must retain its established values and scientific heritage, but at the same time, the branding needed to develop to reflect the growth and maturity of the company. We feel it’s important to let people know what Sensofar stands for and our new tagline ‘Lighting Up Your Quality’ signifies our commitment to metrology and reflects how the company improves the quality processes of our users.” Marc A. Llibre, Brand manager