This document outlines MANCEF’s contingency plans for sponsors and exhibitors of COMS2020 due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19. Sponsors and exhibitors can partner with MANCEF for COMS2020 without hesitation knowing this contingency plan is in place. The plan is as follows:
- MANCEF is monitoring COVID-19 closely and will make a determination if COMS2020 will be postponed on July 20, 2020. This decision will be based on guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. If the conference is postponed, it will be held in March of 2021 in Rockville, MD at The Conference Center at the Universities of Shady Grove (Washington, DC Capital Region). Exact dates will be announced on July 20, 2020.
- If COMS2020 is postponed until March 2021, Sponsors will continue received advertising through publications, events, direct e-mail, LinkedIn and educational videos by MANCEF at no additional cost up to the event on the new dates. Their sponsorship benefits will be identical to their sponsorship level and signed contract during the new conference date. As alternative to continued advertising during the 5-month postponement, Sponsors can elect a 50% refund of sponsorship funds paid to MANCEF on July 20, 2020. Should sponsors elect a refund, their sponsorship will be resold for COMS2021 in March.
- MANCEF continues an aggressive marketing campaign for COMS2020 reaching a large targeted audience. This includes 2-3 advertisements per week on various networks. Sponsors who partner with MANCEF early get the largest benefit from this strong marketing effort.
For current and future hashtag#sponsors please visit for more information
MANCEF Management Board
April 2020