In continuing with the long tradition of commercialization focused international COMS conferences, our group at MANCEF is pleased to invite you to participate in COMS2020 which will be held from October 19-22, 2020 at the The Conference Center at Universities of Shady Grove, Rockville MD. This year’s conference focuses on opportunities and challenges peculiar to the explosion occurring in converging technology commercialization; the integration of more than one technology working in harmony to provide a system solution to a challenging problem. For instance, micro and nano technologies, which themselves are dramatically influencing nearly every market around the world, when combined with other emerging technologies such as machine learning, human machine interface and packaging compound to create many more applications. The result is not only a broadening and increase of use cases and markets for micro and nano technology but also the creation of products and services which previously were unattainable. The impact on health, security and environmental sustainability will be emphasized in a multi-track conference addressing solutions to the barriers of commercialization such as manufacturing, measurement and test, infrastructure, education, funding, marketing, IP, tech transfer and licensing, new business models and roadmaps, system integration, regulatory compliance and scaling.
Click to download a full description of specific conference tracts.