The economy of the ASEAN countries is developing rapidly. Singapore, with its strong economy and important research institutions, works as the engine of economic development. From the innovation hub with its western character, activities in the markets of the other ASEAN countries can be launched.
From August 29 to 31, 2018, the Medical Manufacturing Asia (MMA), a specialist trade fair for medical manufacturing, will again take place in Singapore, co-located to Medical Fair Asia. For manufacturers and suppliers, this marketplace provides a perfect business platform to present the latest innovations, products and services and network with an international yet targeted audience.
The main topics of MMA are, for example, innovations from micro- and nanotechnology like modules and components for medical technology, lab-on-a-chip technology, inspection equipment and testing services as well as assembly, automation and production technology. Process technology, biocompatible materials, coating and functional surfaces play also an important role.
After successful participations in 2012, 2014 and 2016, the IVAM Microtechnology Network again presents a joint pavilion as a platform for developers and manufacturers of micro- and nanotechnology innovations. 2018, IVAM organizes two highlights: A company visit on August 27 and the presentation session “High-tech for Medical Devices” at the fair accompanying forum on August 29. At the joint pavilion, six international enterprises show, amongst other innovations, their sensory and diagnostic technologies.
As a realization partner for measuring technology and sensors, InnoME GmbH develops and realizes smart products by integrating their innovative and cost-effective sensors into products. These could be applied in healthcare, biotechnology, diagnostics and hygienic monitoring. One of the sensor products is Scitis. This pH meter is suitable for measuring pH values in cell culture media. Additionally, the firm developed the zenCELL owl, a 24-channel microscope designed for rapid and automated cell culture microscopy. Its compact design and stability, even above room temperature, make it ideal for use in incubators.
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ScitisSource: InnoME GmbH
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zenCELL owlSource: InnoME GmbH
Ebnet Medical GmbH develops simple, safe and efficient medical technologies for a wide range of medical care applications. They are specialized in puncture systems that deliver life-saving drugs and infusions to patients quickly, simply and safely. Their flagship development project is SWORDCATH, a system that greatly simplifies the insertion of catheters. They develop products inspired by practice, designed for practice, drawing from many years of experience in various areas of medicine.

SWORDCATHSource: Ebnet Medical GmbH
SmartMembranes GmbH is the leading manufacturer of high-ordered porous materials from alumina and silicon with defined and adjustable membrane properties and structure parameters. Potential applications are found in the fields of filtration, sensor technology and diagnostics (bio-chips). Defined surface functionalization enable the membranes to use it for micro reactors or electrode material (Li-ion batteries) or rather surface structuring via imprint methods. SmartMembranes manufactures not only membranes on customers’ request, but also develops processes and products around the core business.
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Source: SmartMembranes GmbH
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Source: SmartMembranes GmbH
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Source: SmartMembranes GmbH
Specialty Coating Systems Inc. (SCS) will be exhibiting its ultra-thin, pinhole-free, Parylene conformal coatings at Medical Manufacturing Asia. SCS Parylene coatings offer exceptional properties for the medical device industry including, biocompatibility and biostability, controlled thickness, micro-encapsulation capabilities, dry-film lubricity and superior chemical, moisture and electrical barriers. SCS Parylenes N, C, and Parylene HT® comply with biological testing requirements for ISO-10993 and USP Class VI Plastics. SCS also maintains Device and Drug Master Files with the US FDA.
Microsystems Engineering Solutions (Micro Systems UK Ltd.- branch Austria) is part of the Microsystems group of companies that specializes in design, manufacture and validation of ultra-precision multi-cavity injection moulds and micro moulds for the medical, pharmaceutical and optical markets. The company is a technology provider of complete solutions that include high volume multi-cavity moulding systems, micro-moulding systems and the manufacturing of high accuracy plastic micro medical components. The company utilizes their knowledge and experience in both micro and nano manufacturing to produce a micro fluidic single device molded parts with optical chambers for blood diagnostics. The microfluidic component incorporates 200x200 micron channels with a mixing chamber 100x100 micron pillars, together with integrated optics with a surface finish of 20Nm Ra.
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Source: Micro Systems UK Ltd.
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Source: Micro Systems UK Ltd.
At the fair, also MedWorld Advisors introduce themselves as a healthcare merger and acquisition firm that specializes in helping small to medium size companies from the fields of Medical Device, MedTech, BioTech, BioMed, Dental, Life Sciences and HealthCare to reach their goals. In their session at the fair forum, MedWorld Advisors will address the best ways to connect with the opportunities created by strategic customers. They inform about the right contract, strategies to obtain it and the appropriate financing or right acquirer.
About IVAM:
IVAM Microtechnology Network is an international association with members in the fields of microtechnology, nanotechnology, advanced materials, MEMS and photonics. IVAM supports mainly small and medium-sized companies in bringing innovative technologies and products to market and thus securing advantages in international competition. Since 1995 IVAM has been supporting companies and institutions from all around the world. The central mission of the association is to create synergies and to support its members in exchanging knowledge, initiating joint projects and networking with each other and potential customers. An overview of all IVAM members is available online: